Yaneth Prada Castellanos Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED6576ActiveClínica Americana +506 2257 3422 / +506 2258 6868 / +506 8520 2572 mediespa@gmail.com SKN Dermatología +506 6150 1000 / +506 4001 7561 yprada@clinicaskn.com See other doctor clinics (1)
Alberto Argüello Choiseul General Surgery, Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED4637ActiveCentro Avanzado de Cirugía Plástica y Estética +506 2233 0152 assistmed@plasticacostarica.com / plastica@plasticacostarica.com
Joaquín Sánchez Caballero General Surgery, Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED6559ActiveHospital Metropolitano, San José.. +506 2521 9595 (ext 9640) / +506 2521 9595 (ext 9650) jscplasticsurgery11@gmail.com / joaquisanchezc@gmail.com
Luis Antonio Murillo Cordero Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED1643ActiveTorre Meredice +506 2222 2554 / +506 8931 8171 luismurillo@yahoo.com / luismurillo@yahoo.com
Carlos Alberto Centeno Ramírez General Surgery, Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED1089ActiveUniversal Plastic Surgery +506 2222 6441 drcenteno@ice.co.cr
Madelein Centeno Rodríguez General Surgery, Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED6043ActiveUniversal Plastic Surgery +506 2222 6441 mcenteno@plasticsurgerycr.com
Gustavo Chavarría León Plastic SurgeryMedic and Surgeoncod. MED3430ActiveRed Cirugía Estética y Anti Envejecimiento +506 2258 5257